- Bike survey kit
- User manual
- Stainless-steel road case (optional)
Real-time verkeersgegevens tonen de COVID-impact
De COVID-lockdown van vorige week in Perth, Australië, benadrukte de waarde van realtime verzameling van verkeersgegevens voor het volgen van individuele voertuigbewegingen tijdens kritieke tijden.
Het verzamelen van nauwkeurige gegevens van elk voertuig en het presenteren van de informatie in realtime was tot nu toe een behoorlijke uitdaging. Na vele jaren van onderzoek en testen heeft MetroCount echter een innovatief systeem ontwikkeld dat dit op betrouwbare wijze doet.
Real-time traffic data shows COVID impact
Last week’s COVID lockdown in Perth, Australia highlighted the value of real-time traffic data collection for monitoring individual vehicle movements during critical times.
Collecting accurate data from every single vehicle and presenting the information in real-time has, until now, been quite the challenge. However, after many years of research and testing, MetroCount have developed an innovative system that reliably does just this.
Assessing pilot infrastructure with portable bike counters
With trials of light segregation of cyclists piloted in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, planners needed short term data to evaluate how the treatments affected cyclists. The borough utilised Portable Bike Counters supplied by MetroCount to gather specific cycling numbers over a 7 day period at two trial locations.
5 consejos para inspeccionar el tráfico en caminos de tierra
Los sistemas de monitoreo de vehículos de MetroCount son conocidos por recopilar datos sobre carreteras y ciclovías selladas o pavimentadas. ¿Pero sabías que también son extremadamente eficaces para inspeccionar el tráfico en caminos de tierra y carriles bici?
Ameland: Fietsonderzoek tussen twee zeeën
Met 3600 inwoners is het eiland Ameland een relatieve kleine gemeente in Nederland, echter in een goed toeristen jaar komen daar zomaar ruim 500.000 toeristen bij. Veruit de meesten van hen komen met de boot aan in Nes. Vanaf de steiger gaan ze vervolgens met taxi’s, bussen, eigen auto of de fiets naar hun vakantie adres.
De gemeente Ameland laat niet voor niets al jaren met behulp van MetroCount tellers de hoeveelheden verkeer registreren. Dit doen ze met een telprogramma in het voorjaar als het nog reletief rustig is en in het hoogseizoen als de toeristen in volle aantallen aanwezig zijn.
MetroCount data proves Wollongong cycleway a hit
People said no-one would use the Smith Street bike track but [Wollongong City] council data claims thousands of riders are taking advantage of it.
Ameland: Monitoring bike traffic between the seas
With 3600 inhabitants, the island of Ameland is a small municipality in the Netherlands, located between the North and the Wadden seas. When the weather is nice, the island can attract over half a million tourists/year. The majority of them travel to the town of Nes by boat. From the jetty, they take taxis, buses, or their personal car/bike to their holiday destination.
For years, the municipality of Ameland has been recording this traffic with MetroCount systems. A counting program takes place in spring when the island is relatively vacant. This is followed by surveys during the high season, in summer.
RidePod BT vs RoadPod VT for surveying cycleways
The world knows and trusts the RoadPod® VT 5900 for easily and accurately surveying road traffic. However, with a global boom in cycling post-COVID-19 MetroCount strongly encourages the use of the RidePod® BT instead for monitoring bikes.
Game Changer for Fremantle Bike Data
The City of Fremantle in Western Australia is revolutionising the way they visualise and make use of traffic data across their road and cycling network. Since December 2019 they have been using MetroCount’s new traffic data analytics and survey management tool ATLYST to improve road safety, traffic management and infrastructure planning.
By automatically plotting data on an interactive map, ATLYST has allowed the City to quickly identify trends, such as a large increase in cyclists during coronavirus restrictions, and to spot rat-running, streets prone to speeding and areas with high heavy vehicle use.
Game Changer for Fremantle Bike Data
The City of Fremantle in Western Australia is revolutionising the way they visualise and make use of traffic data across their road and cycling network. Since December 2019 they have been using MetroCount’s new traffic data analytics and survey management tool ATLYST to improve road safety, traffic management and infrastructure planning.
By automatically plotting data on an interactive map, ATLYST has allowed the City to quickly identify trends, such as a large increase in cyclists during coronavirus restrictions, and to spot rat-running, streets prone to speeding and areas with high heavy vehicle use.
Les données de trafic en temps réel montrent l’impact du COVID
Le confinement COVID de la semaine dernière à Perth, en Australie, a souligné la valeur de la collecte de données sur le trafic en temps réel pour surveiller les mouvements de véhicules pendant les périodes critiques.
Collecter des données précises à partir de chaque véhicule et présenter les informations en temps réel a, jusqu’à présent, été tout un défi. Cependant, après de nombreuses années de recherche et de tests, MetroCount a développé un système innovant qui fait exactement cela de manière fiable.
Assessing pilot infrastructure with portable bike counters
With trials of light segregation of cyclists piloted in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, planners needed short term data to evaluate how the treatments affected cyclists. The borough utilised Portable Bike Counters supplied by MetroCount to gather specific cycling numbers over a 7 day period at two trial locations.
5 conseils pour surveiller la circulation sur les routes non pavées
Les systèmes de surveillance des véhicules de MetroCount sont réputés pour collecter des données sur les routes et pistes cyclables bitumées ou pavées. Mais saviez-vous qu’ils sont également extrêmement efficaces pour surveiller la circulation sur les routes de terre et les chemins cyclables ?
Assessing pilot infrastructure with portable bike counters
With trials of light segregation of cyclists piloted in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, planners needed short term data to evaluate how the treatments affected cyclists. The borough utilised Portable Bike Counters supplied by MetroCount to gather specific cycling numbers over a 7 day period at two trial locations.
Wollongong: Successo della pista ciclabile
Si diceva che nessuno avrebbe usato la pista ciclabile di Smith Street, ma i dati del consiglio comunale di [Wollongong City] dimostrano che migliaia di ciclisti ne stanno approfittando.
Ameland: Monitorage vélo entre les mers
L’île d’Ameland est une petite commune néerlandaise avec 3.600 habitants, située entre la mer du Nord et la mer des Wadden. Par temps ensoleillé, l’île attire beaucoup de touristes, jusqu’à un demi-million par an. La majorité d’entre eux se rendent à Nes par bateau. Depuis la jetée, ils prennent un taxi, un bus ou leur voiture / vélo pour se rendre vers leurs logements de vacances.
Depuis des années, la municipalité d’Ameland enregistre ce trafic avec des systèmes MetroCount. Le programme de comptage commence au printemps, lorsque l’île est relativement vacante. Des comptages suivantes ont lieu en saison estivale.
Speeding up the mobility transition
“By shifting our focus our social impact has become a lot bigger.”
Game Changer for Fremantle Bike Data
The City of Fremantle in Western Australia is revolutionising the way they visualise and make use of traffic data across their road and cycling network. Since December 2019 they have been using MetroCount’s new traffic data analytics and survey management tool ATLYST to improve road safety, traffic management and infrastructure planning.
By automatically plotting data on an interactive map, ATLYST has allowed the City to quickly identify trends, such as a large increase in cyclists during coronavirus restrictions, and to spot rat-running, streets prone to speeding and areas with high heavy vehicle use.
Game Changer for Fremantle Bike Data
The City of Fremantle in Western Australia is revolutionising the way they visualise and make use of traffic data across their road and cycling network. Since December 2019 they have been using MetroCount’s new traffic data analytics and survey management tool ATLYST to improve road safety, traffic management and infrastructure planning.
By automatically plotting data on an interactive map, ATLYST has allowed the City to quickly identify trends, such as a large increase in cyclists during coronavirus restrictions, and to spot rat-running, streets prone to speeding and areas with high heavy vehicle use.
I dati sul traffico in tempo reale mostrano l'impatto del COVID
Il lockdown della scorsa settimana a Perth, in Australia, ha evidenziato il valore della raccolta di dati sul traffico in tempo reale per monitorare i movimenti dei singoli veicoli durante i momenti critici.
Raccogliere dati accurati da ogni singolo veicolo e presentare le informazioni in tempo reale è stato, fino ad ora, piuttosto impegnativo. Tuttavia, dopo molti anni di ricerca e test, MetroCount ha sviluppato un sistema innovativo che lo fa in modo affidabile.
Assessing pilot infrastructure with portable bike counters
With trials of light segregation of cyclists piloted in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, planners needed short term data to evaluate how the treatments affected cyclists. The borough utilised Portable Bike Counters supplied by MetroCount to gather specific cycling numbers over a 7 day period at two trial locations.
Real-time traffic data shows COVID impact
Last week’s COVID lockdown in Perth, Australia highlighted the value of real-time traffic data collection for monitoring individual vehicle movements during critical times.
Collecting accurate data from every single vehicle and presenting the information in real-time has, until now, been quite the challenge. However, after many years of research and testing, MetroCount have developed an innovative system that reliably does just this.
Evaluación de infraestructura con contadores de bicicletas portátiles
Con las pruebas de segregación ligera para ciclistas realizadas en el distrito londinense de Barking y Dagenham, los planificadores necesitaban datos a corto plazo para evaluar cómo las intervenciones afectaban a los ciclistas. El distrito utilizó contadores de bicicletas portátiles suministrados por MetroCount para recopilar cifras específicas de ciclismo durante un período de 7 días en dos ubicaciones de prueba.
5 tips for surveying traffic on dirt roads & cycleways
MetroCount’s vehicle monitoring systems are renowned for collecting data on sealed or paved roads and cycleways. But did you know they’re also extremely effective at surveying traffic on dirt roads and bike paths?
Ameland: monitoraggio di biciclette tra due mari
L’isola di Ameland è un piccolo comune olandese con 3.600 abitanti, situato tra il Mare del Nord e il mare di Wadden. Nei giorni di sole, l’isola attrae molti turisti, fino a mezzo milione all’anno. La maggior parte di loro si reca a Nes in barca. Dal molo prendono un taxi, un autobus o la loro auto / bici per raggiungere le loro case di villeggiatura.
Per anni, il Comune di Ameland ha registrato questo traffico con i sistemi MetroCount. Il programma di conteggio inizia in primavera, quando l’isola è relativamente libera. I seguenti conteggi si svolgono nella stagione estiva.
Accelerare la transizione della mobilità
“Spostando il nostro focus, il nostro impatto sociale è diventato molto più grande.”
Con la continua crescita della popolazione e l'urbanizzazione in corso, emergono numerose sfide legate alla mobilità. Sostenibilità, sicurezza e impatto sociale sono tra le nostre preoccupazioni quotidiane. Dobbiamo accelerare la transizione della mobilità per tenere il passo con le dinamiche globali in rapida evoluzione, il che richiede approcci inventivi e soluzioni migliori. Noi di MetroCount ricerchiamo ispirazione e innovazione a livello globale. Il nostro Business Development Manager, Maurice Berger, vuole aumentare il suo impatto sociale e accelerare la transizione della mobilità.
Ameland: Monitoring bike traffic between the seas
With 3600 inhabitants, the island of Ameland is a small municipality in the Netherlands, located between the North and the Wadden seas. When the weather is nice, the island can attract over half a million tourists/year. The majority of them travel to the town of Nes by boat. From the jetty, they take taxis, buses, or their personal car/bike to their holiday destination.
For years, the municipality of Ameland has been recording this traffic with MetroCount systems. A counting program takes place in spring when the island is relatively vacant. This is followed by surveys during the high season, in summer.
Changeur de voie pour les données de vélo à Fremantle
La ville de Fremantle, en Australie-Occidentale, révolutionne la façon dont elle visualise et utilise les données de trafic sur son réseau routier et cyclable. Depuis décembre 2019, ils utilisent le nouvel outil d’analyse de données de trafic et de gestion d’enquête ATLYST de MetroCount pour améliorer la sécurité routière, la gestion du trafic et la planification des infrastructures.
En traçant automatiquement les données sur une carte interactive, ATLYST a permis à la Ville d’identifier rapidement les tendances, telles qu’une forte augmentation du nombre de cyclistes pendant les restrictions de coronavirus, et de repérer les bouchons, les rues sujettes à la vitesse et les zones à forte utilisation de véhicules lourds.