- RoadPod® VT Conta Traffico
- Manuale d'uso
- MTE® Software
Componenti aggiuntivi necessari
- Attrezzature da campo per studi sul traffico
- Cavo di comunicazione dati
Estudios de impacto vial en Guatemala
Desde 2016, los consultores de desarrollo urbano Analitica han estado utilizando contadores automáticos de tráfico para realizar estudios de impacto vial en toda Guatemala. Hablamos con el director de Analitica, Oldin Ramírez, para escuchar cómo los sistemas de monitoreo de tráfico de MetroCount han desempeñado un papel clave en la información de proyectos inmobiliarios y el desarrollo de infraestructura en todo el país.
Accurate traffic surveys with advanced and reliable solutions
As a leading provider of traffic data solutions, MetroCount offers a wide range of traffic counters and data visualisation. From our portable traffic counters with durable rubber tubes to our active transport counters, we have a product for every situation.
From Data Collection to Action: How Speed Surveying Impacts Traffic Management
Conducting a traffic survey is an efficient method of collecting traffic data to identify focus areas and changes in patterns. With a focus on speed surveying, the results collected using RoadPod® VT counters can provide a better understanding of the key metrics of road safety and which, if any, need improvement.
En tant que fournisseur de solutions de données sur le trafic, MetroCount propose une large gamme de compteurs de trafic et de visualisation de données.
De nos compteurs de trafic portables avec des tubes en caoutchouc durables à nos compteurs de transport actif, nous avons un produit pour chaque situation.
Cómo las encuestas de velocidad impactan la gestión del tráfico
Realizar una encuesta de tráfico es un método eficiente para recopilar datos que ayudan a identificar áreas clave y cambios en los patrones de tráfico. Con un enfoque en la medición de la velocidad, los resultados obtenidos con los contadores RoadPod® VT pueden proporcionar una mejor comprensión de los principales indicadores de seguridad vial y determinar cuáles, si es que hay alguno, necesitan mejoras.
Road Impact Studies in Guatemala
Since 2016, urban development consultants Analitica have been using automatic traffic counters to conduct road impact studies throughout Guatemala. We chatted with Analitica’s director, Oldin Ramirez to hear how MetroCount traffic monitoring systems have played a key role in informing real-estate projects and infrastructure development across the country.
De la collecte des données à l'action : L'impact des relevés de vitesse sur la gestion du trafic
La réalisation d'une enquête de circulation est une méthode efficace pour collecter des données sur le trafic afin d'identifier les zones d'intérêt et les changements dans les schémas. En se concentrant sur les enquêtes de vitesse, les résultats collectés à l'aide des compteurs RoadPod® VT permettent de mieux comprendre les paramètres clés de la sécurité routière et de déterminer, le cas échéant, ceux qui doivent être améliorés.
Eye Opener
"It was truly an eye opener to realise how much information can be collected from a couple of rubber tubes."
The Department of Civil Engineering, RV College of Engineering in New Delhi, India, evaluated the RoadPod VT and RoadPot VT4 in September 2021. The evaluation concluded that MetroCount’s traffic counters performed at over 95% accuracy which is considered exceptionally good in Indian traffic conditions.
The Tasmanian Department of Transport has tested our Vehicle Tube Classifier's accuracy against the precision of video records. The results: the MetroCount equipment showed 100.0% accuracy across 12 Classes of Australian AUSTROADS Class Scheme.
The North Dakota State University conducted research on the Accuracy of Traffic Detection Devices. Their study showed that MetroCount is the most accurate logger, and determined their agency to purchase our system.
In 2001, the University of Central Florida has investigated heavy truck freight movement. To measure the impact, they have used a variety of traffic counters. According to their findings the MetroCount unit "was more dependable than other counters".
Université de Central Florida
Deux tests statistiques différents (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test et T-Test) ont été effectués pour démontrer statistiquement la fiabilité raisonnable des données des tubes de comptage du trafic. Les deux tests statistiques ont révélé qu'il n'y a pas de différence significative, à un niveau de confiance de 95 %, entre les volumes de trafic réels et les volumes obtenus à partir des tubes de comptage du trafic.
University of Central Florida
Two different statistical tests (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and T-Test) were performed to statistically demonstrate reasonable reliability of the traffic counting tubes data. Both statistical tests revealed there is no significant difference, at the 95% confidence level, between the actual traffic volumes and volumes obtained from the traffic counting tubes.
University of Central Florida
Two different statistical tests (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and T-Test) were performed to statistically demonstrate reasonable reliability of the traffic counting tubes data. Both statistical tests revealed there is no significant difference, at the 95% confidence level, between the actual traffic volumes and volumes obtained from the traffic counting tubes.
University of Central Florida
Two different statistical tests (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and T-Test) were performed to statistically demonstrate reasonable reliability of the traffic counting tubes data. Both statistical tests revealed there is no significant difference, at the 95% confidence level, between the actual traffic volumes and volumes obtained from the traffic counting tubes.
University of Central Florida
Se realizaron dos pruebas estadísticas diferentes (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test y T-Test) para demostrar estadísticamente la fiabilidad razonable de los datos de los tubos de conteo de tráfico. Ambas pruebas revelaron que no hay una diferencia significativa, con un nivel de confianza del 95%, entre los volúmenes de tráfico reales y los volúmenes obtenidos de los tubos de conteo de tráfico.